Check these databases for company financials, executives, annual reports, histories, and more.
Company research resources freely available over the Web.
Asia & Australasia
BizFile: Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore (fee-based)
Australian Securities and Investments Commission: Registry
Companies/Securities in Focus (Stock Exchange of Thailand)
Current filings for firms listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange are on the Corporate Filing & Dissemination System. Older filings are at EDIFAR: Electronic Data Information Filing And Retrieval System (Indian EDGAR; discontinued as of April 2010).
DART: Data Analysis, Retrieval & Transfer System: repository of Korea's corporate filings
EDINET: Electronic Disclosure for Investors' NETwork (Financial Services Agency, Japanese EDGAR)
Integrated Companies Registry Information System (Hong Kong: fee-based)
Laporan Keuangan & Tahunan (annual and financial reports: Jakarta Stock Exchange)
M.O.P.S.: Market Observation Post System (Taiwan Stock Exchange)
SEC i-View (Securities and Exchange Commission, Republic of the Philippines: fee-based)
SSM e-Info (Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia - Companies Commission of Malaysia: fee-based)
CNMV Companies Search (Spain)
Companies House (United Kingdom: fee-based)
Companies House (United Kingdom: free - in beta service)
Companies Registration Office (Ireland: fee-based)
The FFMS Russian Disclosure Program has been assigned to several private firms:
Infogreffe: Le Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés (France: fee-based) (Italy: fee-based)
Registro Mercantil Central (Spain: fee-based)
Unternehmensregister (Germany: fee-based)
For other countries, start with the European Business Register and select a suitable Information Distributor supporting your language of choice.
The Americas
SEDAR: System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (Canadian EDGAR)
Sistema de Información Empresarial Mexicano: SIEM (Mexico)
Many other sources have been compiled by Karen Blakeman for Official Company Registers.
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