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SELECTED DVDs and Videotapes in the Rutgers Libraries

Feminism DVDs

17 August 2009

Alexander Gutman, Krzysztof Kopczy nski, Atelier-Film-Alexandr, Eureka Media, Polskie Radio i Telewizja, and Cinema Guild

Focuses on documenting one day in the life of Boris Bezotechestvo, a murderer serving his entire sentence in solitary confinement in a prison situated on a small Island on Lake Novozero in central Russia. The filmmaker explores what happens when nothing happens. The theme of crime and punishment is present in every moment. When there is no death sentence, there is only time. Time can be spent conversing with God - or maybe with the Devil. Boris asks himself whether he should try to go insane. 1 videodisc (63 min.) :

MEDIA 10-2325


Arriba las mujeres! c2007, 1943

Carlos Orellana, Joselito Rodraiguez, Consuelo Guerrero de Luna, Antonio Badau, Pedro Infante, Margarita Cortaes, Teodoro J Remairez, Pelaiculas Rodraiguez, Warner Bros. Entertainment, and Warner Home Video (Firm)

A woman, along with her daughters, creates a feminist union to rebel against men. Her hatred for men is also directed towards her own husband, Pedro Infante. This unfortunate neglected husband has no alternative but to unite with other deprived husbands to teach his wife and daughters a lesson. 1 videodisc (85 min.)

MEDIA 10-1448


Bearing witness c2005

Bob Eisenhardt, Barbara Kopple, Marijana Wotton, Magnum Films, Arts and Entertainment Network, A & E Home Video (Firm), and New Video Group

Chronicles five female journalists into the line of fire during the War in Iraq and other perilous assignments. This film intimately examines the personal and professional lives of five women journalists at different stages of their careers as they attempt to put a human face on otherwise impersonal tragedies. 1 videodisc (91 min.) :

MEDIA 10-2327


Beyond borders-- Arab feminists talk about their lives-- East and West 2004

Jennifer Kawaja, Dionne Brand, Punam Khosla, Nawal Sa`dawi, National Film Board of Canada, and  Films for the Humanities (Firm)

National liberation movements in the Middle East in the 1950's and 60's held the promise of women's equality, but Arab women still face oppression. They must fight a two-front war against repressive internal restraints and Western interference. This film follows a delegation of Arab women activists (including author Nawal Saadawi) as they tour the United States, to sensitize North Americans to Arab feminism and the effects of American foreign policy. They discuss the deterioration of women's rights in the Middle East, how conservative regimes are allied to a conservative interpretation of Islam, and the Gulf War as a setback for women in the Middle East. 1 videodisc (50 min.)

MEDIA 10-4046


Born in flames 2006

Lizzie Borden, Ed Bowes, Honey, Jeanne Satterfield, Florynce Kennedy, and First Run/Icarus Films

A futuristic fable of feminist turmoil still brewing ten years after the Second American Revolution.  When Adelaide Norris, the black radical founder of the Woman's Army, is mysteriously killed, a diverse coalition of women - across all lines of race, class, and sexual preference - emerges to blow the System apart.  With their fury growing and all peaceful options exhausted, women overcome divisions of race, class, and sexual orientation to form a guerilla movement to take over control of the media. 1 videodisc (80 min.)

MEDIA 10-1138


Casablanca calling " ... Casablanca Calling highlights a quiet social revolution under way in Morocco, where 60% of the women have never attended school. For the first time, Moroccan women are trained and employed as official Muslim leaders, or morchidat. Charged with teaching an Islam based on tolerance, compassion and equity, they provide vital support and guidance to communities, especially to girls and women. At the film's heart are Hannane, Bouchra and Karima, three morchidat assigned to mosques in different parts of Morocco ... Offering unique access to a story we rarely see, this illuminating documentary demonstrates how women's empowerment through moderate Islam is transforming a nation"--Container. 1 videodisc (75 min.)

MEDIA 10-5195


Chahinaz what rights for women? 2007

Samia Chala, Patrice Barrat, Corinne Godeau, Sharon Mann, Article Z (Firm), Independent Television Service, France 5, Canal France International, Special Broadcasting Service (Australia), TVOntario, and Filmakers Library, inc

An Algerian university student questions how she can continue to live as a woman in such a traditional society and how women around the world can get equal rights, learning through her travels what it takes to change the world for women. 1 videodisc (54 min.)

MEDIA 10-1930


De filmer le d© sir voyage ©  travers le cin© ma des femmes = Filming desire : a journey through women's cinema 2000

This documentary explores the works of women film directors, specifically the differences explicit in women's point of view, and expression of desire as articulated in films by women. In interviews, women directors working today discuss how their depictions of sexuality and relationships reflect the basic differences between the sexes--as revealed by image, shot, and story. The filmmakers and their films encapsulate the debates about sexuality, representation and image, and the body (as subject of censorship; as the vehicle of desire and love; as the contested ground of cinematic production) that have raged since the first woman picked up a camera, determined to claim her identity and find her voice. 1 videodisc (60 min.)

MEDIA 10-5504


Dreamworlds 3 desire, sex & power in music video c2007

Sut Jhally and Media Education Foundation

A look at how the narratives of music videos shape individual & cultural attitudes toward femininity, masculinity, sexuality and race. 1 videodisc (54 min.)

MEDIA 10-797


Eat the kimono 1989

Gensh u Hanayagi, Claire Hunt, Kim Longinotto, Twentieth Century Vixen (Firm), Channel Four (Great Britain), and Women Make Movies (Firm)

Film profiles Hanayagi Genshu, an unconventional Japanese dancer, who mixes radical politics into her avant-garde performances as she defys right-wing threats and denounces Emperor Hirohito during his lifetime. 1 videodisc (60 min.)

MEDIA 10-1498


The edge of each other's battles the vision of Audre Lorde 2007

Jennifer Abod, Profile Productions, and Women Make Movies (Firm)

Documents black lesbian poet and activist Audre Lorde's (1934-92) social vision, using footage from the four-day conference: I am your sisters: forging global connections across differences, held in Boston in 1990. At the conference 1,200 men, women and young people from 23 countries examined the issues of the relations between race, class, gender and sexuality through Lorde's work. Interviews with the organizers of the conference are intercut with conference footage, including performances, controversies and speeches. 1 videodisc (59 min.)

MEDIA 10-1159


Ella es el matador She is the matador 2009

Sheila C Johnson, Suzanne La Fetra, Gemma Cubero, Celeste Carrasco, Mari Paz Vega, Eva Florencia, Talcual Films, P.O.V. (Firm), and Women Make Movies (Firm)

A character driven documentary about two women who choose the profession of bullfighting. Eva Florencia is a novice originally from Italy and Maripaz Vega is the only active professional female matador in the world. Following these women over the span of seven years, the viewer gains rare insights into their world. While these women pursue the same dream as their male counterparts - the glory of dominating the beast - they are forced to fight not only against the bull but also against decades of legal prohibition and prejudice. The historical struggle, from the beginning of the 20th century to the present, is shown through archival footage and brief interviews with historians and background female matadors. 1 videodisc (62 min.)

MEDIA 10-2056


Engendering change Caribbean configurations 2007

Luke Paddington, Patricia Mohammed, United Nations Development Fund for Women, Caribbean Office, University of the West Indies (Saint Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago), and Centre for Gender and Development Studies

"Records a one week intensive course on gender sensitive policy making for the Caribbean held in Trinidad in March 2006, implemented by the Centre for Gender and Development Studies, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine. While this documentary focuses on the University's role as an academic and research instution in challenging accepted idealogies and methodologies of development paradigms, engendering change is an attempt to produce a penetrating critique of the gap between pedagogy and reality, between top down policies and community needs. The film priveleges the voices of community members and highlights the importance of consultations with people in communities as central to policy making."--Liner notes. 1 videodisc (40 min.)

MEDIA 10-3986


The F word 2007

Marcia Jarmel, Erin Gallagher, Eyes Wide Productions, and Women Make Movies (Firm)

Presents various definitions of feminism as defined by feminists, opponents of feminism, and ordinary men and women. 1 videodisc (10 min.)

MEDIA 10-906


Feminism Inshallah the story of Arab feminism Filmmaker and author Feriel Ben Mahmoud tracks the progress of Arab women in their long march to assert their full rights and achieve empowerment. 1 videodisc (52 min.)

MEDIA 10-5658


Flickorna The girls 2006, c1968

Mai Zetterling, Harriet Andersson, Bibi Andersson, Gunnel Lindblom, Christina Olofson, and Aristophanes

Three actresses prepare to go on the road in a theater production of Lysistrata. As they re-assess and deal with the problems in their respective private lives, they recognize the parallels with the play. 1 videodisc (100 min.)

MEDIA 10-766


The good wife of Tokyo 1992

Claire Hunt, Kim Longinotto, Kazuko Hohki, Twentieth Century Vixen (Firm), Channel Four (Great Britain), and Women Make Movies (Firm)

Kazuko Hohki goes back to Tokyo with her rock band after living in England for 15 years.  This film records her re-experiencing of Japan after a long absence, examining traditional attitudes towards women and those of Kuzuko's friends who are trying to expand their roles as Japanese women. 1 videodisc (52 min.)

MEDIA 10-1501


The heretics as told by Joan Braderman  2009

Joan Braderman, Crescent Diamond, and No More Nice Girls Productions

"The Heretics uncovers the inside story of the Second Wave of the Women's Movement for the first time in a feature film.  Joan Braderman, director and narrator, follows her dream of becoming a filmmaker to New York City in 1971. By lucky chance, she joins a feminist collective at the epicenter of the 1970's art world in lower Manhattan. In this first person account, The Heretics focuses on the Heresies Collective--which published Heresies; a feminist publication on art & politics from 1975-1992--as a microcosm of the larger international Women's Movement. The film describes how thousands of small intimate groups of women met together to consider their situation--as women in a man's world--and to devise strategies for unlocking their potential." --container. 1 videodisc (95 min.):

MEDIA 10-1895


I was a teenage feminist 2005

Therese Shechter, Barbara Barde, Up Front Films, W Network, Trixie Films, and Women Make Movies (Firm)

Armed with a video camera and an irreverent sense of humor, Therese probes diverse sources including Gloria Steinem, rowdy frat boys, a Cosmo-reading opera singer and even her own mother, to find out whether feminism can still be a source of personal and political power. 1 videodisc (62 min.)

MEDIA 10-1160


Judy Chicago & the California girls 2008

Judith Dancoff, Judy Chicago, Faith Wilding, Janice Lester, Shawnee Wollenman, Vanalyne Green, Susan Boud, and California Girl Productions

Through discourse, debate and experimental theater sketches, women students confront Judy Chicago's radical views of sexuality and feminism in this cinema-verite about the Feminist Art Program at Fresno State College. 1 videodisc (24 min.) :

MEDIA 10-3693


A litany for survival the life and work of Audre Lorde 2006?

Ada Gay Griffin, Michelle Parkerson, and Newsreel (Firm)

Audre Lorde, poet and lesbian-feminist talks about being lesbian and black in New York in the 1950s and her social/political activity. Includes conversations and readings by Lorde and comments by other writers and family members. 1 videodisc (52 min.)

MEDIA 10-787


Makers women who make America Reviews the story of how women have helped shape America over the last fifty years through one of the most sweeping social revolutions in American history, in pursuit of their rights to a full and fair share of political power, economic opportunity, and personal autonomy. 1 videodisc (180 min.)

MEDIA 10-4700


Malkia wa soka Zanzibar Zanzibar soccer queens 2008

Florence Ayisi, Peter White, Iris Films/Iris Feminist Collective, and Filmakers Library, inc

In the Muslim country, Zanzibar, women's activities are severely curtailed. This is a portrait of a feisty group of women who have defied the cultural constraints by playing a man's game, soccer, giving reign to their competitive spirit, and defining new roles and identities for themselves in a predominantly Muslim society. Clerical disapproval has meant that there is a lack of women's teams with which to compete so the women must sometimes play against men's teams. 1 videodisc (55 min.)

MEDIA 10-1688


Mitten im Malestream richtungsstreits in der neuen frauenbewegung 2006?

Helke Sander, Halina Bendkowski, Peggi Liebisch, Johanna Mierendorff, Signe Theill, Bettina Schoeller, Annegret Stopczyk, Gisela Erler, Helke Sander Filmproduktion, Neue Visionen Medien (Firm), Goethe Institut (Munich, Germany), Films Dept, and good! movies (Firm)

Sander uses a wide range of old documentary material, often recorded by filmmakers, journalists or media avant-gardists on early electronic equipment to present a documentary touching on the core question of the women's movement in Germany: the politics of motherhood, men's perception of themselves as fathers, the legalisation of aboirtion, women's silent "child-bearing strike', and the political struggle between the women's movement and the Christian churches. A discussion on these issues held in Berlin, Fall 2004, was used as a framework for the film.  (2005, 92 min.). 1 videodisc (187 min.) :

MEDIA 10-2739


My feminism 2008?, c1997

Dominique Cardona, Laurie Colbert, Mary Becker, Urvashi Butalia, bell hooks, Judy Rebick, Ailbhe Smyth, Gloria Steinem, Urvashi Vaid, Ontario Film Development Corporation, and Women Make Movies (Firm)

Interviews with feminist leaders including Bell Hooks, Gloria Steinem, and Urvsahi Vaid are intercut with documentary sequences to explore the past and present status of the women's movement. Discussing the unique contributions of second wave feminism, they explore their racial, economic and ideological differences and shared vision of achieving equality for women. Introduces feminism's key themes while exposing the cultural fears underlying lesbian baiting, backlash, and political extremism. 1 videodisc (55 min.)

MEDIA 10-4244


Our bodies, our minds 2005

The seven women in this film represent a subsection of the feminist movement known as sex-positive feminists. These feminists stress tolerance of sexual diversity, freedom to express one's sexuality and identity, the rights of sex workers, and the importance of making sex-related information available. 1 videodisc  (68 min.)

MEDIA 10-5420


Passionate politics the life and work of Charlotte Bunch c2011

Joyce Warshow, Tami Gold, Amilca Palmer, AndersonGold Films, and New Day Films

"Brings Charlotte [Bunch]'s story to life, from idealistic young civil rights organizer, to lesbian feminist activist to internationally recognized leader. Charlotte's story is told by women from Asia, Africa, South America and the Caribbean who have worked with her to put women's rights on the global human rights agenda. Interwoven throughout the film are excerpts from Charlotte's personal letters that illuminate her determination to create a more just world"--Container. 1 videodisc (58 min.) :

MEDIA 10-3279


Raising Ms. President 2013

"Studies show that when more women are at the political decision making table, their presence does make a difference, but the problem is, women just don't want to run. This documentary explores some of the reasons why women do not run for office and uncovers where political ambition starts."--Container. 1 videodisc (54 min.)

MEDIA 10-4927


Reflections unheard black women in civil rights "Archival footage and in-depth interviews with former members of organizations including Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and the Black Panther Party reveal how black women mobilized, fought for recognition, and raised awareness of how sexism and class issues affected women of color within and outside The Black Power Movement and mainstream feminism."--WMM website. 1 videodisc (81 min.)

MEDIA 10-5506


Rosie the riveter c2001

Newsreels and documentary footage of the World War II era show what life was like on the American home front. Episode 1 highlights American women who answered the call  to duty in the armed forces and in factories and shipyards at home.  Episode 2 examines how the seeds of the sexual revolution were sown in wartime.  In episode 3, the war ends suddenly and millions in the armed forces are demobilized, setting vast social changes in motion. 1 videodisc (75 min.)

MEDIA 10-5525


Say my name 2009

"In a hip-hop and r&b world dominated by men and noted for misogyny, the unstoppable female lyricists of SAY MY NAME speak candidly about class, race, and gender in pursuing their passions as women in hip hop. From hip hop's birthplace in the Bronx, to grime on London's Eastside, emerging artists like Chocolate Thia, Invincible, Jean Grae and Miz Korona, to world renowned pioneers like MC Lyte, Erykah Badu, Estelle, and Monie Love, these are women turning adversity into art." -- Container. 1 videodisc (78 min.)

MEDIA 10-4484


Simone de Beauvoir c2008

"Two interviews, recorded 16 years apart, illuminating the historic role, personality and thoughts of the novelist, philosopher and political activist who paved the way for Second-Wave Feminism"--Container. 1 videodisc (90 min.)

MEDIA 10-5599


Some American feminists 200-?

Interviews and newsreel footage place the American feminist movement in an historical perspective. Six of the women who gave impetus to the movement discuss those issues that most concern them. 1 videodisc (56 min.)

MEDIA 10-4291


Step by step building a feminist movement 1998

Joyce Follet, Carol Larson, Wisconsin Public Television, University of Wisconsin System, Board of Regents, Wisconsin, Educational Communications Board, and Women Make Movies (Firm)

Focuses on the feminist movement as experienced by several women who were active in the movement as it developed in America through the decades following World War II. 1 videodisc (56 min.) :

MEDIA 10-3243


Up against the wall, Ms. America 200-?

Newsreel (Firm)

A documentary about the disruption of the Miss America pageant of 1968. Protest songs, interviews, and footage from the pageant show the demonstrators protesting the misuse of women as mindless sexual objects. 1 videodisc (6 min., 27 sec.)

MEDIA 10-2009


The videoworks of Mindy Faber, volume I 2009

Mindy Faber

The artist reflects on her mother's mental illness in light of women's roles in society, the effect of mental illness on the family, identity, and the relationship between mothers and daughters. 1 videodisc (32 min.)

MEDIA 10-1476


Who's counting? Marilyn Waring on sex, lies & global economics 1995?

Kent Martin, Terri Nash, Marilyn Waring, Bullfrog Films, and  National Film Board of Canada

Waring challenges the myths of objective economic policy by asking the question, "Why isn't the unpaid work of women counted in the gross domestic product?" She uses as an example, the women in the Philippines. She also raises the issue as to why there is no negative costs in the national accounts for damage to the environment? 1 videodisc (94 min.)

MEDIA 10-3871


Without walls: Hidden faces 1990

Claire Hunt, Kim Longinotto, Safaa Fathay, Naw al Sa?d?aw?i,  Twentieth Century Vixen (Firm), Channel Four (Great Britain), and Women Make Movies (Firm)

Discusses the psychological and sociological problems of Egyptian women, especially Muslim women. Focuses on Dr. Naw?al Sa'd?aw?i, a Muslim feminist, psychiatrist and novelist. 1 videodisc (52 min.)

MEDIA 10-1500


Womanhouse 2006?

Johanna Demetrakas, Judy Chicago, Miriam Schapiro, and Women Make Movies (Firm)

Art created by the women who lived and worked in Womanhouse, the Feminist Art Program of the California Institute of the Arts, 1971-72. Features Judy Chicago and Miriam Schapiro. 1 videodisc (43 min.) :

MEDIA 10-2455


Women's liberation c1970

Examines goals and methods of various groups within the Women's Liberation Movement, pointing out their similarities and differences. Shows women of moderate professional organizations, as well as representatives of radical extremist factions. Features Marlene Sanders, Birch Bayh, and Betty Friedan. 1 videocassette (23 min.)

MEDIA 10-4487



Alice Paul, crusader for equality 1990

Alice Paul, Kent Manahan, and Janice Selinger

Details the life and works of Alice Paul, Equal Rights Amendment author. 1 videocassette (29 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5445


America's Victoria remembering Victoria Woodhull 1996

Victoria Weston, Kate Capshaw, and Robert Mayer Evans

A chronicle of the life of Victoria Woodhull, the first woman to campaign for US President in 1872. America's Victoria combines rare archival images, Woodhull's own words (read by Kate Capshaw), and interviews with contemporary feminists to present a portrait of Victoria Woodhull. 1 videocassette (52 min.) :

MEDIA 2-186


The American woman portraits of courage 1995

Patricia Neal, Gaby Monet, and Robert Deubel

Highlights the careers of ten American women who struggled valiantly to establish, preserve, and expand the rights and liberties we now enjoy. 1 videocassette (60 min.) :

DANA 1155


Arriba las mujeres! c2007, 1943

Carlos Orellana, Joselito Rodraiguez, Consuelo Guerrero de Luna, Antonio Badau, Pedro Infante, Margarita Cortaes, Teodoro J Remairez, Pelaiculas Rodraiguez, Warner Bros. Entertainment, and Warner Home Video (Firm)

A woman, along with her daughters, creates a feminist union to rebel against men. Her hatred for men is also directed towards her own husband, Pedro Infante. This unfortunate neglected husband has no alternative but to unite with other deprived husbands to teach his wife and daughters a lesson. 1 videodisc (85 min.) :

MEDIA 10-1448


Bad girl 2001

Nathalie Barton, Iolande Cadrin-Rossignol, Arnaud Hantute, and Marielle Nitoslawska

This documentary features selected film clips and interviews with feminist authors, filmmakers, anthropologists, sexologists and porn producers, directors and activists. 1 videocassette (58 min.) :

MEDIA 2-2375


Bell Hooks cultural criticism & transformation 1997

Bell Hooks and Sut Jhally

The author and professor of English makes a compelling argument for the transformative power of cultural criticism. Issues of race, gender and class are central as clips from motion pictures and television illustrate her view of the pervasiveness of "white supremacist capitalist patriarchy" in American popular culture. 1 videocassette (62 min.) :

DANA. MEDIA 989 2-3623


Beyond borders-- Arab feminists talk about their lives -- East and West 2000

Jennifer Kawaja, Ginny Stikeman, and Punam Khosla

In the Arab world, women are fighting a two-front war against repressive internal constraints and intrusive Western interference. In this program, a feminist delegation composed of author Nawal Saadawi and other renowned activists from the Middle East and North Africa gather at the UN, on college campuses, and in church basements to speak out about deterioration of women's rights in the Arab states in an effort to heighten awareness of the Arab feminist struggle for equality--and the effects of U.S. foreign policy on their efforts. 1 videocassette (50 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5712


Beyond killing us softly the strength to resist : impact of media images on women and girls 2000

Margaret Lazarus and  Renner Wunderlich

A documentary about the fight against the toxic and degrading messages to women and girls that dominate the media. 1 videocassettee (33 min., 54 sec.) :

DANA. MEDIA 1756      2-5553


Bildnis einer Trinkerin 1979

Ulrike Ottinger and Tabea Blumenschein

A woman takes a drunken sightseeing tour of Berlin in this exploration of the complexity of female identity. 1 videocassette (108 min.) :

MEDIA 2-6055


Born in flames 2006

Lizzie Borden, Ed Bowes, Honey, Jeanne Satterfield, Florynce Kennedy, and First Run/Icarus Films

A futuristic fable of feminist turmoil still brewing ten years after the Second American Revolution.  When Adelaide Norris, the black radical founder of the Woman's Army, is mysteriously killed, a diverse coalition of women - across all lines of race, class, and sexual preference - emerges to blow the System apart.  With their fury growing and all peaceful options exhausted, women overcome divisions of race, class, and sexual orientation to form a guerilla movement to take over control of the media. 1 videodisc (80 min.) :

MEDIA 10-1138


The Bostonians 1984

James Ivory and Henry James

Redgrave is a 19th century feminist who wants to use Potter's gift for oratory for her cause. Reeve is a lawyer who loves Potter, but bitterly opposes feminism. The story tells of the difficult choice Potter must make between her love for both. 1 videocassette (VHS) (120 min.) :

MEDIA 2-299


The century: Starting over America's time c1999

Peter Jennings, Roger Goodman, Diana Frank , ABC News, History Channel (Television network), and Films for the Humanities (Firm)

This program focuses on the changing momentum of feminism, hampered by it's failure to radify the Equal Rights Amendment and confrontations over affirmative action and busing. 1 videocassette (45 min.)

MEDIA 2-7031


Days of democracy 1996

Atiyat Abnudi

This film depicts the endeavors of women in Egypt to make a comeback to political life through the parliamentary elections held at the closing years of the 20th century. 1 videocassette (70 min.) :

MEDIA 2-3784


Denmark 1902-1914 she! 1989

Noël Burch, Channel Four (Great Britain), and Facets Video (Firm)

Examines the psychological realism and innovative filmmaking techniques exhibited in early Danish silent films. Shows how the creativity of key figures in early Danish cinema and the feminism and liberal sexual attitudes in Denmark contributed to the sophistication found in these early films. 1 videocassette  (26 min.)

MEDIA 2-674


Dreamworlds 3 desire, sex & power in music video c2007

Sut Jhally and Media Education Foundation

A look at how the narratives of music videos shape individual & cultural attitudes toward femininity, masculinity, sexuality and race. 1 videodisc (54 min.)

MEDIA 10-797


Eat the kimono 1989

Gensh u Hanayagi, Claire Hunt, Kim Longinotto, Twentieth Century Vixen (Firm), Channel Four (Great Britain), and Women Make Movies (Firm)

Film profiles Hanayagi Genshu, an unconventional Japanese dancer, who mixes radical politics into her avant-garde performances as she defys right-wing threats and denounces Emperor Hirohito during his lifetime. 1 videodisc (60 min.) :

MEDIA 10-1498


The edge of each other's battles the vision of Audre Lorde 2007

Jennifer Abod, Profile Productions, and Women Make Movies (Firm)

Documents black lesbian poet and activist Audre Lorde's (1934-92) social vision, using footage from the four-day conference: I am your sisters: forging global connections across differences, held in Boston in 1990. At the conference 1,200 men, women and young people from 23 countries examined the issues of the relations between race, class, gender and sexuality through Lorde's work. Interviews with the organizers of the conference are intercut with conference footage, including performances, controversies and speeches. 1 videodisc (59 min.) :

MEDIA 10-1159


The emerging woman 1974

Helena Solberg, Leslie Cass, Women's Film Project, and Film Images, inc

Uses original photographs, historical footage, and drawings in order to trace woman's role in American society from the 18th century to the present day. 1 videocassette (40 min.)



Equality a history of the women's movement in America 1996

Rockwell Stenstud and Pat Ciarrocchi

Chronicles the lives of women who were prominent in the various women's movements that emerged in response to a variety of injustices perpetrated against women in their personal, public, and professional lives.  From Abigail Adams in 1776 to the present day. 1 videocassette (30 min.) :

DANA 454


Evening the odds is title IX working? 1999

In 1972, Title IX was established, a civil rights act that prohibits gender discrimination at any school that receives federal funds. In this program, Elisabeth Brackett, of WTTW in Chicago, goes to Indiana University -- alma mater of Olympic diving medalists Lesley Bush and Cynthia Potter - to investigate higher education's Title IX track record in the area of sports. The IU administration is working diligently to meet Title IX conditions by creating new athletics programs and spreading out scholarship dollars more evenly between male and female athletes. But a USA Today survey found that only seven Division 1 schools have met the Title IX standards for gender equity. IU does not expect to be in compliance until 2004, and the National Women's Law Center, which has filed complaints against a number of other schools for discriminating against female athletes in scholarship funding, is doing its best to speed up the process. 1 videocassette (12 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5092


The F word 2007

Marcia Jarmel, Erin Gallagher, Eyes Wide Productions, and Women Make Movies (Firm)

Presents various definitions of feminism as defined by feminists, opponents of feminism, and ordinary men and women. 1 videodisc (10 min.) :

MEDIA 10-906


Fearless stories from Asian women 2003

Peter Du Cane, Mathew Kelley, Samantha Kelley, Rachel Ward, Film Australia (Organization), Mask Productions, SBS Independent, and Filmakers Library, inc

A study of three women who are fighting for social justice, both in their homelands and in exile. 3 videocassettes (ca. 78 min.)

 MEDIA 2-6542  2-6544


Femmes aux yeux ouverts Women with open eyes 1993

Anne-Laure Folly and  Sylvia Allombert

Profiles contemporary African women in four West African countries: Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal and Benin. We meet a woman active in the movement against female genital mutilation, a health care worker educating women about sexually transmitted diseases, and businesswomen who describe how they have set up an association to share expertise and provide mutual assistance. 1 videocassette (52 min.) :

MEDIA 2-3298


Flickorna The girls 2006, c1968

Mai Zetterling, Harriet Andersson, Bibi Andersson, Gunnel Lindblom, Christina Olofson, and Aristophanes

Three actresses prepare to go on the road in a theater production of Lysistrata. As they re-assess and deal with the problems in their respective private lives, they recognize the parallels with the play. 1 videodisc (100 min.)

MEDIA 10-766


Flowers for Guadalupe 1995

Judith Illsley Gleason, Elisa Mereghetti, and Virginia Rambal

This film explores the importance of the Virgin of Guadalupe as a liberating symbol for Mexican women today. 1 videocassette (57 min.) :

MEDIA 2-2975


Gloria Steinem Ms. America 1995

Jack Perkins, Bettinia Gregory, and Jan Albert

Follows the life of the leader of the modern Women's Movement from a troubled and impoverished childhood to the forefront of feminism. 1 videocassette (50 min.) :

DANA 1158


Goddess remembered  1990

Donna Read, Margaret Pettigrew, and Martha Henry

An exploration of goddess-centered religion. The film looks at women's spirituality beginning in pre-historic times when women were respected as the source of life, wisdom and justice. 1 videocassette (55 min.) :

MEDIA 2-2101


The good wife of Tokyo 1992

Claire Hunt, Kim Longinotto, Kazuko Hohki, Twentieth Century Vixen (Firm), Channel Four (Great Britain), and Women Make Movies (Firm)

Kazuko Hohki goes back to Tokyo with her rock band after living in England for 15 years.  This film records her re-experiencing of Japan after a long absence, examining traditional attitudes towards women and those of Kuzuko's friends who are trying to expand their roles as Japanese women. 1 videodisc (52 min.) :

MEDIA 10-1501


Great women in American history 1996

Kevin Stead, Scott Harris, and Elizabeth Kraus

1 videocassette (24 min.) :



Guerrillas in our midst 1992

Amy Harrison, Margaret Herbig, Ron Hunnings, Maurice Chayut, and Ruth Cullen

Gallery owners comment on the actions of a group of anonymous women artists who call themselves the Guerrilla Girls. Also interviewed are members of the Guerrilla Girls, who, dressed in gorrilla masks, work to promote greater representation of women and minority artists in art exhibitions. 1 videocassette (36 min.) :

MEDIA 2-3102


I have a problem, Madam 1995

Maarten Schmidt, Thomas Doebele, and Bernard Neuhaus

A fascinating glimpse into a society where women are only now beginning to be heard in a traditionally male culture. Run by female lawyers, FIDA-Uganda has set up several legal aid centers for women in domestic trouble. With the help of a weekly radio show, the centers fill daily with women waiting to tell their stories. FIDA lawyers attempt to reconcile the women and their men in face to face meetings, even if it means traveling to isolated villages. The attitudes of both men and women are beginning to change, but this slow process sometimes leads to conflicts between offical and traditional law. 1 videocassette (59 min.) :

MEDIA 2-3837


I was a teenage feminist 2005

Therese Shechter, Barbara Barde, Up Front Films, W Network, Trixie Films, and Women Make Movies (Firm)

Armed with a video camera and an irreverent sense of humor, Therese probes diverse sources including Gloria Steinem, rowdy frat boys, a Cosmo-reading opera singer and even her own mother, to find out whether feminism can still be a source of personal and political power. 1 videodisc (62 min.) :

MEDIA 10-1160


Interview with Zarana Papic c1999

Jayce Salloum

Unedited conversation with Zarana Papic. 1 videocassette (107 min.)

MEDIA 2-6650


Iron jawed angels c2004

Sally Robinson, Eugenia Bostwick Singer, Raymond Singer, Jennifer Friedes, Katja von Garnier, Hilary Swank, Frances O'Connor, Julia Ormond, Anjelica Huston, Molly Parker, Patrick Dempsey, Laura Fraser, Brooke Smith, Vera Farmiga, Lois Smith, Bob Gunton, HBO Films, Spring Creek Productions, and HBO Video (Firm)

Alice Paul and Lucy Burns were two defiant suffragist women who fought for the passage of the 19th Amendment. The two activists broke from the mainstream women's rights movement and created a more radical wing, daring to push the boundaries to secure women's voting rights in 1920. In a country dominated by chauvinism, this is no easy fight. Along the way, sacrifices are made: Alice gives up a chance for love, and collegue Inez Mulholland gives up her life. 1 videodisc (123 min.)

DANA 210


Is feminism dead? 2000

Michael J Schmiedeler, Karen Heisler, Gus Gnorski, Patricia Ireland, Phyllis Schlafly, Ellen Goodman, Bell Hooks, Tessie P Liu, and Martha Wharton

In this program the women's movement, as it currently exists, is appraised, and its relevance in today's cultural climate is discussed. 1 videocassette (29 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5307


Issues and images of Beijing activities at the NGO forum on women, China, August 30 to September 8, 1995 1996

Vicki J Semler, Diane Bailey, and Anne S Walker

80 slides :



The life and legend of Sojourner Truth 2001

Lynn C Spangler and Olive Gilbert

Traces the life and legend of the former slave who could neither read nor write, yet earned a reputation as one of the most articulate and outspoken antislavery and women's rights activists in the United States. 1 videocassette (57 min.) :

DANA. MEDIA 1855 2-544


A litany for survival the life and work of Audre Lorde 2006?

Ada Gay Griffin, Michelle Parkerson, and Newsreel (Firm)

Audre Lorde, poet and lesbian-feminist talks about being lesbian and black in New York in the 1950s and her social/political activity. Includes conversations and readings by Lorde and comments by other writers and family members. 1 videodisc (52 min.)

MEDIA 10-787


Lives together, worlds apart men and women in a time of change 2000

Jonathan Silvers, Beth Dembitzer, and Kathy Bates

Documentary film which chronicles the innovative campaigns and courageous individuals who work tirelessly to combat discrimination against women. 1 videocassette (57 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5094


Luisa Capetillo pasión de justicia 1993

Sonia Fritz, Idee Charriez, Celia Marina Romano, and Lilliana Ramos

Features the life of feminist Luisa Capetillo in late 19th and early 20th century Puerto Rico. 1 videocassette (41 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5222


Malkia wa soka Zanzibar Zanzibar soccer queens 2008

Florence Ayisi, Peter White, Iris Films/Iris Feminist Collective, and Filmakers Library, inc

In the Muslim country, Zanzibar, women's activities are severely curtailed. This is a portrait of a feisty group of women who have defied the cultural constraints by playing a man's game, soccer, giving reign to their competitive spirit, and defining new roles and identities for themselves in a predominantly Muslim society. Clerical disapproval has meant that there is a lack of women's teams with which to compete so the women must sometimes play against men's teams. 1 videodisc (55 min.) :

MEDIA 10-1688


Margaret Sanger 1998

Bruce Alfred, Blair Brown, Michelle Ferrari, Holly Ornstein Carter, Joanna Kiernan, and Mead Hunt

Birth control advocate, self-styled libertarian, and ardent proponent of women's rights--Margaret Sanger was all of these, as this balanced, probing documentary attests. Using rare archival footage, diary excepts, and commentary from historians, critics, and relatives, the program traces Sanger's extraordinary life and exhaustive work in the promotion and legalization of contraception. 1 videocassette (87 min.) :

DANA 873


Margaret Sanger a public nuisance 1992

Terese Svoboda, Steve Bull, Esther Katz, Barbara Abrash, Miki Navazio, Giancarlo Biagi, Larry Blake, Franklin Bull, Susan Carlson, and Laura Fernandez

A biography of Margaret Sanger, nurse, midwife, social activist, feminist and an early advocate of birth control and women's rights. The film is made in the style of an old silent film with archival footage interspersed with printed titles and "tongue in cheek" dramatized topical interludes. 1 videocassette (ca. 28 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5421


Monday's girls 1994, 1993

Ngozi Onwurah, Lloyd Gardner, and Carolyn Lee Johnson

A tribal chieftain's daughter who has lived in a large city for some time agrees to return to her native village for traditional pre-marital ceremonies, called the Iria, involving body painting, public breast examination and five-weeks' confinement to "fattening rooms."  Her refusal to fully participate in the ritual sparks a crisis underlining the conflict between traditional and modern African lifestyles. 1 videocassette (49 min.) :

MEDIA 2-3381


My feminism 1997

Dominique Cardona and Laurie Colbert

Presents several women's standpoints on feminism and their thoughts as feminists. 1 videocassette (55 min.) :

MEDIA 2-3681


No regrets in my youth 198-?

Akira Kurosawa, Eijiro Hisaita, Setsuko Hara, Susumu Fujita, Denjiro Okochi, Haruko Sugimura, and Tadashi Hattori

An epic drama of feminists self-discovery set against the unlikely backdrop of militarist Japanese society. An idealistic young woman moves in with one of her father's students, a rebel who is executed as a spy.  Renouncing society, she takes his ashes to the farming village of his parents, and remains there, working the land. 1 videocassette (ca. 110 min.) :

MEDIA 2-2661


Not for ourselves alone the story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony 1999?

Ken Burns, Paul Barnes, and Geoffrey C Ward

The dramatic, little-known story of one of the most compelling friendships in American history.  Elizabeth Stanton and Susan Anthony were born into a world ruled entirely by men.  By the time their lives were over, they had changed for the better the lives of a majority of American citizens. Their personal relationship was often turbulent but they never wavered in their shared belief that equality was the birthright of every woman, and for more than half a century led the fight to make that dream a reality. An account of these two women's struggle against slavery and for women's suffrage in the United State is provided. 2 videocassettes (3 hrs., 30 min.) :

MEDIA. MEDIA                                       DANA 2-4300 cassette 1 2-4301 cassette 2         1361


Not for sale feminism and art in the USA during the 1970s 1998

Laura Cottingham, Mary McEntire, Sally Sasso, Leslie Singer, and Yoko Ono

Presents the art, artists, and activities of the feminist art movement of the 1970s. Includes interviews, slides, and archival footage. 1 videocassette (88 min.) :

MEDIA 2-3565


Nursing in America through a feminist lens 1991

Tony Ely

1 videocassette (28 min.) :

DANA 398


One woman, one vote 1995

Susan Sarandon, Ruth Pollak, and Felicia M Widmann

Documents the 70-year struggle for women's suffrage which culminated in the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920. It illuminates the alliances, infighting, betrayals and defeats that paved the way for victory in the battle for women's right to vote. Historical footage is enhanced with vocal performances, and interviews with historians provide the viewer with both current and historical perspectives. 1 videocassette (109 min.) :

MEDIA     MEDIA 2-2513       2-4058 cassette 1 2-4059 cassette 2


Open letter, grasp the bird's tail and, Picturing oriental girls, a (re)educational video 1995

Valerie Soe, Rick Wong, Brenda Joy Lem, CrossCurrent Media, National Asian American Telecommunications Association, Peace of the Heart Productions, and Oxygen Productions

Open letter, grasp the bird's tale: an Asian woman comments upon racially motivated violence and her fears of being an Asian woman in a world of anti-Asian hostilities. Picturing oriental girls, a (re)educational video: a compendium of stereotypical portrayals of Asian women in American film and television. 1 videocassette (27 min.)

MEDIA 2-6956


Our bodies, our minds 2001

Rebecca M Alvin, Cinema Guild, and Belly Girl Films

The seven women in this film represent an encouraging subsection of the feminist movement, known as sex-positive feminists.  These feminists stress tolerance of sexual diversity, freedom to express one's sexuality and identity, the rights of sex workers, and the importance of making sex-related information available. 1 videocassette (67 min.)

MEDIA 2-6651


Feminism (Continued)

Rebel hearts Sarah & Angelina Grimke and the anti-slavery movement 1994

Betsy Newman and Terese Svoboda

Discusses the lives of Sarah and Angelina Grimke and their work against slavery and their involvement with what would become the women's rights movement in the United States. 1 videocassette (58 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5088


The Righteous babes 1998

Pratibha Parmar and Lisa L'Anson

Women rock musicians and women music critics and scholars discuss feminism and its expression in the work of women rock musicians. 1 videocassette (50 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5674


Seneca reflections 150 years of woman's rights 1998

Hillary Rodham Clinton and Madeline Hansen

At the 150th anniversary of the First Woman's Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, New York, participants were asked to put the 1848 convention in persepctive for a contemporary audience. This is a rare tribute to the remarkable women, past and present, whose lives have furthered the cause of women's rights. 1 videocassette (24 min.) :

MEDIA 2-1297


Seven lucky charms 1992

Lisa Mann

A juxtaposition of optically printed images and feminist text with voice-over testimonials about women who are survivors of domestic violence. 1 videocassette (16 min.) :

MEDIA 2-3951


Shackled women abuses of a patriarchal world 1999

Keely Purdue

This program assess second- and third-world abuses of women's rights by the male establishment and examines how female collaboration sometimes contributes to their perpetuation. Focuses on topics such as dowry deaths, female circumcision, the Islamic zina law, the rigors of hijab, and child prostitution. Some content may be objectionable. 1 videocassette (41 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5102


Sigmund Freud's Dora a case of mistaken identity 1979

Anthony McCall, Suzanne Fletcher, Joel Kovel, Silvia Kolbowski, and Anne Hegira

A feminist look at Freud's famous case. Dramatizations of conversations between Freud and Dora are contrasted with modern commercials and shots from X-rated films. 1 videorecording (45 min.) :



Simone de Beauvoir 1989

Josée Dayan, Malka Robowska, and Simone de Beauvoir

A unique opportunity to get to know de Beauvoir as she speaks candidly about her relatioship with Sartre, her friendship with Camus, the evolution of her political views, her sympathy with the student revolution of 1968, as well as her views on feminism, abortion, sexual fidelity, aging, and death. 1 videocassette (110 min.) :

MEDIA 2-843


So many lives Tantas vidas : una historia 1984?

Tatiana Gaviola

A community of poor and working class women speak about their concerns -- the difficult realities of daily life, including abusive relationships, children, and welfare. 1 videocassette (26 min.) :

MEDIA 2-724


Sojourner Truth ain't I a woman 1989

Judy Chaikin, Loren Stephens, Gloria Goldsmith, Valeria Parker, Julie Harris, Roscoe Lee Browne, Rose Marie Perfect, and James Gosa

In the middle 1800's, at the age of 46, Sojourner Truth set out across New England, speaking at prayer meetings and gatherings.  Although she was plain-spoken and uneducated, audiences were moved.  She became known for her persuasive ability to speak about politics, religion, slavery and women's rights. 1 videocassette (26 min.) :

MEDIA 2-3838


Some American feminists 2001

Luce Guilbeault, Nicole Brossard, Margaret Wescott, and Margo Jefferson

Interviews and newsreel footage place the American feminist movement in an historical perspective. Six of the women who gave impetus to the movement discuss those issues that most concern them. 1 videocassette (56 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5679


The speeches of famous women 1995

Dennis Mueller, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Eleanor Roosevelt, Betty Ford, Betty Friedan, Carol Moseley-Braun, and Barbara Boxer

Traces the progression of the women's movement with speeches from suffragettes through senators, including Eleanor Roosevelt, Betty Ford, who endorses the Equal Rights Act, and leaders Betty Friedan, Senator Carol Mosely-Braun and Barbara Boxer. 1 videocassette (56 min.) :

DANA 1211


Spirits rising 1996

Ramona S Diaz, Nancy Brink, Wilma B Consul , National Asian American Telecommunications Association, SpiritsRising Production (Firm), Stanford University, Dept. of Communication, and NAATA Distribution (Firm)

Portrays women in the Philippines and their history from pre-colonial times to the present. Includes myth, literature, news footage and interviews with prominent individuals in Filipino politics. 1 videocassette (59 min.)

MEDIA 2-7393


Step by step building a feminist movement 1998

Joyce Follet and Carol Larson

Focuses on the feminist movement as experienced by several women who were active in the movement as it developed in America through the decades following World War II. 1 videocassette (56 min.) :

MEDIA   DOUGLASS 2-5678       222


Surname Vięt, given name Nam 1989

T. Minh-Ha Trinh and  Thu Vân Mai

In the first part of this film South Vietnamese women talk about life, politics, feminism and women's liberation in post-war Vietnam. They also talk about their memories of the War years and the period of so-called "re-education." The second part of the film focuses on Vietnamese women who chose to flee from their homeland to the United States at the end of the war. 1 videocassette (108 min.) :

MEDIA 2-2200


Through Chinese women's eyes 1997

Mayfair Mei-hui Yang

Presents the transformations in the lives of Chinese women over the 20th century. Documents the attempts to erase gender differences under Mao, today's changing ideas of femininity, and the crystalization of Chinese feminism at the UN Women's conference in Beijing. 1 videocassette (53 min.) :

MEDIA 2-3397


Two lies 1989

Pam Tom, Dian Kobayashi, Sala Iwamatsu, and Marie Nakano

Story of two young Chinese-American girls and their relationship with their mother who is having plastic surgery performed to alter her oriental features. 1 videocassette (25 min.) :

DANA 828


Unbidden voices 1989,1988

Prajnaparamita Parasher and Deb Ellis

A moving portrait of an Indian immigrant woman from Punjab, India, who works 12 hours a day in a Chicago restaurant. Emphasis is on exploitation of immigrant women, feminism, and contrasting cultures. 1 videocassette (32 min.) :

MEDIA 2-3093


The Vienna Tribunal 1994

Gerry Rogers and Adam Symansky

Personal stories of women from around the world who testified before a panel of eminent judges at the Global Tribunal on Violations of Women's Rights. This film dramatically captures the abuses women suffer the world over. 1 videocassette (48 min., 13 sec.) :

MEDIA. MEDIA 2-2523 2-5767


Visages de femmes Faces of women 1995

Désire Ecaré, Sidiki Bakaba, Kouado Brou, and Albertine N'Guessan

Two politically and stylistically adventurous films exploring the links between feminism, economics and tradition in modern-day Africa. In these intriguing stories about women in today's Africa, the first film centers on a young woman who is unhappily married and is attracted to her visiting brother-in-law. The second story centers around a successful businesswoman who tries to open a new restaurant, but runs into difficulties that only her daughter's traditional wiles can solve. 1 videocassette (103 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5042


Visions of the spirit a portrait of Alice Walker 1988

Elena Featherston

Explores the roots of Pulitzer Prize winning author Alice Walker's Southern Black feminist consciousness through in-depth conversations with the writer and members of her family. 1 videocassette (58 min.) :

MEDIA 2-712


Walk the talk women walking beyond Habitat II 1996

Ursula Löw, Sharad Shankardass, and Eleanor Cody

In many countries, women are denied equal access to land and shelter, don't get equal access to credit, and equal inheritance is denied to those who care and provide for their children.  While 1/10 of the word's population is female, they own only 1% of the world's property.  These and other topics were the focus of the Women's Caucus at the Habitat II conference in 1996. 1 videocassette (15 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5161


Warrior marks 1993

Alice Walker and Pratibha Parmar

A documentary on, and a protest of, female genital mutilation and sexual blinding of women and girls in Africa. 1 videocassette (54 min.) :

DANA. MEDIA 709 2-3881


The Willmar 8 1980

Lee Grant, Julie Thompson, Mary Beth Yarrow, and California Newsreel (Firm)

Eight women went on strike against the Citizen's National Bank in Willmar, Minn., because of employment discrimination. They formed their own independent union and even though they lost, they found new strength within themselves. 1 videocassette (51 min.)

MEDIA 2-7003


With a vengeance the fight for reproductive freedom 1989

Lori Hiris and Ninia Baehr

A history of the abortion controversy in the United States. Includes live footage from rallies and demonstrations, and interviews with pro-choice and anti-abortion activists. 1 videocassette (40 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5089


Without walls: Hidden faces 1990

Claire Hunt, Kim Longinotto, Safaa Fathay, Naw al Sa?d?aw?i, Twentieth Century Vixen (Firm), Channel Four (Great Britain), and Women Make Movies (Firm)

Discusses the psychological and sociological problems of Egyptian women, especially Muslim women. Focuses on Dr. Naw?al Sa'd?aw?i, a Muslim feminist, psychiatrist and novelist. 1 videodisc (52 min.) :

MEDIA 10-1500


Women and Islam 1994

Mahmood Jamal and Ziauddin Sardar

Leila Ahmed argues the case for revision of the widely-held views of the Islamic world about the role of women. 1 videocassette (ca. 30 min) :

DANA. MEDIA 1755 2-5488


Women and men unglued marriage and relationaships in the 21st century 2004

Katherine Gilday, National Film Board of Canada, TVOntario, and Films for the Humanities & Sciences (Firm)

This program looks at changing contemporary gender relations and expectation. Focuses on issues such as dating, marriage, money, parenting, romantic love, feminism, and committment. 1 videocassette (87 min.)

MEDIA 2-7018


Women as citizens vital voices through the century 1999

Nancy F Cott, Alice Kessler-Harris, Ruth Simmons, Bill Clinton, and Hillary Rodham Clinton

Alice Kessler-Harris, Nancy Cott, and Ruth Simmons speak on the history of American women in civic life in the 20th century. The discussion focuses on three themes: women as volunteers and reformers, women's struggle for rights,and women in public/civic life. Includes remarks by President Clinton, and comments and questions from the audience and from the Internet. 1 videocassette (ca. 118 min.) :

DANA. MEDIA 1445 2-5010


Women of vision 18 histories in feminist film and video : a documentary 1998

Alexandra Juhasz

Profiles a variety of women active in independent-feminist film and video, including production, distribution and education, whose work expresses a variety of political and esthetic viewpoints. The three-part video begins by profiling 6 women whose careers began in the Fifties and Sixties, then six women whose work coincided with the emergence of the women's movement in the Seventies; and six women whose careers began in the Eighties and Nineties. 1 videocassette (83 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5349


Women's liberation  1970

Marlene Sanders

Examines goals and methods of various groups within the Women's Liberation Movement, pointing out their similarities and differences. Shows women of moderate professional organizations, as well as representatives of radical extremist factions. Features Marlene Sanders, Birch Bayh, and Betty Friedan. 1 videocassette (23 min.) :



Women's rights, women's struggles in South Africa today 2000

Documents the journey of a delegation of 23 people from the United States who travelled to Johannesburg in Cape Town in June of 1999 and met with dozens of organizations working to improve women's lives in the new South Africa. 1 videocassette (ca. 34 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5611


World of difference 1998

Richard Stanley and Bella S Abzug

This film sets the scene, tracing the background to the international agreements on women rights. 1 videocassette (12 min.) :

MEDIA 2-5838


You may call her Madam Secretary 1987

Marjory Potts, Robert Potts, Frances Sternhagen, and Frances Perkins

This documentary discusses the life and work of Frances Perkins, who served as Secretary of Labor during the New Deal and sponsored innovative programs and legislation such as the Social Security Act, Minimum Wage Law and the National Recovery Act. Using a blend of narration, quotation and re-enactments, the program presents a complex portrait of America's first woman Cabinet member. The program follows the development of Perkins' ideas and accomplishments in her roles as social worker, labor reformer, lobbyist, feminist and administrator. 1 videocassette (58 min.) :


Feminism - New This Year