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Pharmaceutical Management

This guide combines science and business sources for students in pharmaceutical management.

Indexes and Databases Covering Pharmaceutical Sciences, courtesy of Jackie Mardikian, Library of Science and Medicine

ACCESSMedicine - (Coverage: Current)
Medical reference texts including Goodman and Gilman's Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics.

AccessPharmacy - (Coverage: Current)
Includes monthly updates by the editors of Pharmacotherapy.

Biomedical Reference Collection: Comprehensive - (Coverage: 1960 - present)
Full text journal articles

BIOSIS Previews - (Coverage: 1990 - present)
Comprehensive index to the biological sciences

Facts & Comparisons 4.0 (including Review of Natural Products) - (Coverage: Current)
Covers Rx, OTC, and orphan and investigational drugs

Browser-based electronic version of the following print publications:

  • Drug Facts and Comparisons
  • Drug Interaction Facts
  • Review of Natural Products
  • Nonprescription Drug Therapy
  • MedFacts
  • Drug Interaction Facts: Herbal Supplements and Food
  • A to Z Drug Facts

Strategic Transactions: Pharma Intelligence
FDA "regulations, corporate news, mergers and acquisitions, product development, patent information, and statistical data." (from the Rutgers database description) You may search all text or headline and first paragraph only for keywords, company names, and so forth. (Formerly FDC Reports).  Rutgers subscribes to the "Pink Sheet," the "HBW Insight," and the "MedTech Insight" sections.

International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (IPA) - (Coverage: 1970 - present)

Provides worldwide coverage of pharmaceutical science and health related literature
This database is updated monthly and offers comprehensive information for drug therapy, toxicity, and pharmacy practice as well as legislation, regulation, technology, utilization, biopharmaceutics, information processing, education, economics, and ethics as related to pharmaceutical science and practice.

Lexicomp Online
An excellent resource for drug doses, mechanisms of action, drug interactions and adverse effects. Searchable by anatomical therapeutic class (ATC) codes.

MEDLINE (OVID) - (Coverage: 1950 - present)
Produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and provides bibliographic and abstract coverage of biomedical literature

Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database - (Coverage: Current)
Contains over 1,000 evidence-based monographs on natural medicines compiled by clinicians
These monographs, appropriate for patient care situations, include: common, as well as colloquial names, brand names, scientific names, product uses, safety, effectiveness, description of known constituents, pharmacological actions, adverse reactions, possible interactions, any influence on nutrient levels and depletion in the body after use of the substance(s), dosage and administration, and reference citations.

PubMed - (Coverage: 1950s - present)
Includes MEDLINE.

ScienceDirect - (Coverage: 1995 - present)
Full text journal articles

SciFinder Scholar - (Coverage: 1967 - present)
User-friendly interface for searching Chemical Abstracts
Note: our contract with the publisher limits SciFinder Scholar access to Rutgers University students, faculty and staff ONLY.

Web of Science - (Coverage: 1994 - present)
Includes Science Citation Index, the Social Sciences Citation Index, and the Arts and Humanities Citation Index.

For more information on the pharmacology side, please see the Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Guide by Matt Bridgeman, Robert Wood Johnson Library of the Health Sciences.

Selected Journals Available through Rutgers University Libraries