The CIA World Factbook has profiles of countries and other national entities.
Twice a year, the International Monetary Fund puts out the World Economic Outlook reports which analyze the state of the world economy and make trade and economic projections for countries and regions. (Also available in print: ALEXANDER International Documents; DANA REF HC 59. W6) The IMF also has a collection of videos on a wide variety of topics related to the world economy.
The Europa World Year Book (DANA, DOUGLASS REF JN1.E85; ALEXANDER REF D2.E823) has extensive essays on major international and regional trade communities and individual countries, as well as basic economic and trade data.
There is also International Tax Summaries: A Guide for Planning and Decisions, (DANA REF K 4505.4 .I54) which reviews taxation laws and regulations in over 90 countries, as well as Corporate Taxes: A Worldwide Summary from PriceWaterhouseCoopers (ALEX, CAMDEN STACKS; DANA, CARR REF HD 2753 .A3 C67)