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Basic information about trademarks

Trademark Search replaces TESS

As of November 30, 2023, the USPTO has retired TESS and replaced it with Trademark Search. Developers are still working on known issues, however, so full functionality may take a bit longer. The database includes "every trademark that's been registered or applied for." More information is available here.

Federal trademarks

The USPTO Trademark Search has replaced TESS (Trademark Electronic Search System) trademark database includes every trademark that's been registered or applied for, and contains more than 3 million pending, registered, and dead trademarks of the United States. 

The default option is to "Search by all" but you can also search by

  • Wordmark Search for the words used in the trademark.
  • Goods and services Search for trademarks that are used on specific goods or in connection with specific services.
  • Owner Search by owner name or address.
  • Serial number Search for a specific trademark if you know the serial number.
  • Mark description Search by logos, imagery, or words.


Use TSDR (Trademark Status & Documents Retrieval) to retrieve status information and view and download documents for pending and registered trademarks. TSDR also displays information contained in the USPTO records regarding International Registrations and applications for International Registration filed under the Madrid system through the U.S.A. To access TSDR, simply enter a valid trademark serial number or registration number and click either the "Status" or "Documents" buttons.

Use Trademark Search Assignments to search the database of all recorded Trademark Assignment information from 1955 to the present (Trademark Assignments recorded prior to 1955 are maintained at the National Archives and Records Administration). Assignment records can also be searched in the Public Search Facility.

Searchable Trademark Official Gazette  - The Trademark Official Gazette (TMOG) is published each Tuesday and contains bibliographic information and a representative drawing for each mark published, along with a list of cancelled and renewed registrations. The TMOG does not contain USPTO Notices. Information about each mark may also be found in the searchable trademark database, Trademark Search.

State Trademarks

To acquire trademark and/or service mark registration at the state level, applicants must file an application with the trademark office of the specific state in which protection is sought.  For information about state registration requirements, applicants must contact the individual state trademark office.  The USPTO maintains a link to  most state trademark offices.

International trademarks

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) administers the "Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks." The system offers a route to trademark protection in multiple countries by filing a single application via its e-services.

Madrid Monitor is a monitoring tool that allows you to track the current status of all international applications and registrations under the Madrid System, and provides access to the WIPO Gazette of International Marks, the official publication of the Madrid System.

Tradmarkia is a free online trademark search portal, created by by Abhyanker P.C., a US-based trademark filing law firm. The site searches "more than 6 million trademarked logos, names, and slogans on the Internet."  

Global Brand Database (WIPO) - Perform a trademark search by text or image in brand data from multiple national and international sources, including trademarks, appellations of origin and official emblems.

ASEAN TMview offers the possibility to explore the trademark landscape in the ASEAN region in a user-friendly and powerful way. ASEAN TMview contains information on more than 2 million trademark applications and registrations having effects in ASEAN countries, including data on trademark office, reference number, trademark name, applicant name, application date, trademark type, graphic representation, legal status, list of goods and services, class codes, etc.

TMview - Search for EU Trademarks.