Business Source Premier includes a series of country reports (called Country Reviews) from CountryWatch, which summarize information from many US and international sources. The Country Reviews are downloadable as PDF files, which are quite large. (Rutgers-restricted access) offers two major series: (Rutgers-restricted access)
MarketLine (formerly Datamonitor) includes over 2,800 original industry research reports for major countries around the world. There is also a separate database for market data on consumer products - mouse over Databases on the bottom and select "Market Data Analytics." (Rutgers-restricted Access)
Mintel Reports offer product and industry market research reports covering US and selected International marketplaces. Each report combines data and analysis of the competitive landscape, supply chain, market-share size and trends, and consumer profiles. (Rutgers-restricted Access)
Besides their US and global industry reports, IBISWorld presents a special collection of industry reports for China. Click LOGIN under INDUSTRY REPORTS, then click on CHINA INDUSTRY REPORTS for a complete list. (Rutgers-restricted Access) For more on China, consult our Doing Business in China guide by Wen-Hua Ren, Dana Library.