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Health Administration

This guide is to support health administration research and learning.

Searching Tips and Tricks

Have you ever struggled to find what you are looking for in a database or search engine? These tips and tricks can help you get more specific, manageable, and relevant searches, whether you're looking on Google or a library database! 

YouTube Demonstration: Search tips and tricks


Once you’ve developed a research topic, use keywords to search library databases. Keywords are the most essential facets of your search - the unique words that will show up in similar articles in a database. 

Research Topic  Keywords 


hospital mergers and acquisitions in New Jersey

  • Hospital
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • New Jersey

You also want to generate related terms that you can search. These are ideas related to your keywords that might also be used in the literature.

Keywords Synonyms


  • Clinic
  • Health System
  • Medical Center 
  • Medical Institute
  • Acquisition
  • Consolidation 
  • Unification
New Jersey
  • Mid Atlantic States
  • Philadelphia Area
  • New York City Area
  • Newark 
  • Jersey City 
  • Camden 
  • Paterson 
  • (etc)

Punctuation and Boolean Operators

Now that you have your keywords, combine everything with boolean operators and punctuation! 

Trick Description Example
AND (must be in caps) Use “AND” to find materials that contain both terms hospital AND "New Jersey"
OR (must be in caps) Use this word between related concepts when you want to search for either one word or the other, but not both at the same time. The search engine will pull up articles with either term. hospital OR clinic OR "medical center"
NOT (must be in caps) Use this word to exclude terms from your search. "New Jersey" NOT California
Quotations " " Use quotes to search for a multi-word concept or phrase exactly "medical center"
 Asterisk Symbol Use * to include alternate word endings  e.g. merg* would search merger, merging, merges 
Parenthesis ( ) Use brackets to create separate groups of actions in your search. Each group of keywords needs its own set of brackets, like order of operations in math ("medical center" OR "health system") AND ("New Jersey") AND (merg* OR acqusition*)

Put It All Together

Put together your keywords, boolean operators, and punctuation. You might get something like this using our example above: 

(hospital* OR clinic* OR "health system*" OR "medical center*" OR "medical institute*") AND (acqui* OR merg* OR consolidat* OR unifi*) AND ("New Jersey" OR "Mid Atlantic States" OR "New York City Area" OR Newark OR "Jersey City" OR Camden OR Paterson OR "Philadelphia Area")

These tricks work in nearly all search engines and databases! Try out some examples using the worksheet above!