WorldCat: is a shared catalog that allows you to discover materials held by thousands of libraries in North America and around the world. It includes books, journals, archival materials, dissertations, government publications, maps, music, musical scores, audio recordings, videos, and many other types of materials. In total, it includes more than 500 million records.
Hispanic-American Periodical Index [HAPI] 1970- . The major multidisciplinary periodical index for Latin American Studies. Indexes over 400 scholarly journals published in the U.S. and Latin America.
PRISMA Publicaciones y Revistas Sociales Y Humanisticas. Searchable database of full-text scholarly journals in the social sciences and humanities for the study of Latin America and the Caribbean.
CLASE:Citas Latinoamericanos en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Index to articles and other documents from approximately 1,500 social science and humanities serials published in Latin America and the Caribbean.
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