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Introduction to Refugee Studies


Refugees, Relief, and Resettlement
Database of primary source materials. Rutgers has access to the module The Early Cold War and Decolonization, which covers the experiences of refugees forced to flee their homelands after World War II and the government and agency operations that sought to provide relief and resettlement. Materials from appromixately 1947 to 1979. Rutgers-restricted Access

Source Collections

Repository of the Observatory of the Refugee and Migration Crisis in the Aegean
Articles, documentaries, interviews, videos, datasets, etc. Greek and English.

Oral Histories

To find published personal accounts, search the QuickSearch Catalog with the subjects:

Refugees Personal Narratives
Immigrants Personal Narrative
Exiles Personal Narratives
Humans of New York: Refugee Stories
Stories of Syrian refugees across Greece, Hungary, Croatia, and Austria
Humans of New York: Syrian Americans
The stories of ten families of Syrian refugees selected for American resettlement.