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Writing Prompt

Take-Home Essay 3
The Thousand and One Nights

Write a five-to-six page essay on the prompt below. In order to give yourself enough time to develop your thesis, and body paragraphs, please be prepared for and active during your rough draft workshops:

Workshop I: Tuesday, March 19th - Proposal Due
Workshop II: Thursday, March 21st

Library Session Workshop III: Tuesday, March 26th
Rough Draft Workshop Final Draft: Friday, March 29th

I will expect:
● Four-to-five pages
● Two pieces of evidence in each body paragraph
● 12 point font size ● Times New Roman ● Double -spaced ● Full heading:

Original Title
"How is conflict constructed throughout “The Story of the Fisherman and the Demon”?
Examine the nuances of these plot points, and reveal their theme(s). Include a secondary source to support your connections.


OR A notable feature of The Thousand and One Nights is that stories are often nested inside other stories, starting as early as within the opening frame tale. Using evidence from the story, as well as another secondary source, consider how the nested stories relate, working together or against each other to reveal theme(s)?

OR Using evidence from Carole Scot’s essay “Why Fairy Tales Matter: The Performative and the Transformative,” examine character transformations / metamorphoses seen in “The Story of the Fisherman and the Demon” in connection to the tale’s theme.

OR Consider Shahrazad’s circumstances as she narrates the Story. Identify the theme she intends to convey to the king and evaluate whether its telling works to her benefit, explaining how / why.

OR Propose your own topic. Be sure to include a clear secondary source that supports your connections. *Note: You will be required to include 3-4 total quotations from one secondary source from a selection I will provide, or an outside source of your own choosing. You should add in the secondary texts support quotes after your own ideas and insights about the primary text are secure and clear.