The main starting point for research at Rutgers University Libraries is
The search box on that page will search all of our cataloged books, and the contents of many, perhaps most, but not all of our databases.
When searching for Joan of Arc it is best to put the words in quotation marks to search it as a phrase -- "Joan of Arc"
You can use the left hand tool bar to limit by type of resource or by general subject. You can also use the advanced search option to search solely by subject or by author.
Remember that Joan is the English version of her name. You might also want to search for "Jeanne d'Arc" or "Maid of Orleans" or Pucelle.
If the title of a work is in another language (say, French), the book or article is most likely in that language as well.
There are a number of subject specific databases accessible through the Rutgers University Libraries that can aid you in your research. Many of them are included in the search box (QuickSearch) on the main libraries page but you can also access them individually at this page:
Historical Abstracts
Religion Index
Art Index
Artbibliographies Modern
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
International Medieval Bibliography
MLA International Bibliography (literature)
Biographical Archive of the Middle Ages
Oxford Bibliographies Online: Medieval Studies
Finding Images of Joan of Arc
Finding Articles on Artistic Representation of Joan of Arc
Art Index Retrospective
Artbibliographies Modern
Bibliography of the History of Art
Index to 19th Century American Art Periodicals
Other Databases of Interest:
Oxford Art Online
Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (use the Iter bibliography)
Index of Medieval Art
More resources on the general Art and Art History Libguide: