This is a selected list of databases that you may find useful for finding articles on your topic. You can also check out the
complete list of Rutgers online indexes and databases.
A basic multidisciplinary database, ASP indexes both news magazines (Time back to 1929, Newsweek, U.S. News and World Report) and scholarly journals. Especially strong for arts and humanities titles; also good resource for book reviews. Rutgers-restricted Access
Index to over 10,000 social science titles, including journal articles, books, dissertations, proceedings, and government publications; full-text access to over 1800 journals. International and interdisciplinary in scope. (Rutgers-restricted Access)
JSTOR provides electronic access to back runs, many back to the 19th century or earlier, of more than 2000 important scholarly journals in a variety of disciplines. JSTOR does not include current issues of journals; generally the most recently published issue of any current journal will not appear in JSTOR until 3-5 years after the publishing date. Rutgers current access is to ten of the twelve JSTOR Arts and Sciences collections. Rutgers-restricted access
Full-text coverage of more than 280 titles plus citation coverage for many more. Many major journals searchable back to early 1900s. Rutgers-restricted Access
A comprehensive bibliographic database covering all types of writing, including industry papers, news journalism, and scholarly academic journals on topics for film and television.Primary coverage 1990 to the present; selective coverage back to 1914. Rutgers-restricted Access
1964- . The most comprehensive index to American (U.S. and Canada) history. Indexes over 2000 journals worldwide, as well as book reviews and dissertations. Rutgers-restricted Access.
1955- . The most comprehensive index to world history (excluding that of the U.S. and Canada) from 1450 to the present. Indexes over 2,000 history and history-related journals worldwide, as well as book reviews and dissertations. Rutgers-restricted Access.
A legal research collection. In addition to searching scholarly legal and criminal justice periodicals, HeinOnline collections include the Code of Federal Regulations, the Federal Register Library, and the U.S. Federal Legislative History Library. Rutgers-restricted Access
Includes law review and law journal articles, the full text of court opinions; statutes, and regulations from state and federal governments;
a law encyclopedia, and Black's Law Dictionary. Rutgers-restricted Access
1940- Index to over 480 journals worldwide, as well as books, relating to social and political philosophy and concepts, the philosophy of law, the philosophy of religion, etc. Rutgers-restricted Access