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DNP Doctor of Nursing Practice


The PhD in Nursing will remain the accepted degree for nurse scientists. A PhD in nursing prepares nurse scientists who will GENERATE EVIDENCE to guide effective and safe nursing care. Whereas, a DNP degree prepares "practice" experts who will TRANSLATE EVIDENCE into practice across a variety of patient care settings.

You can view other DNP students projects at these sites:

All students enrolled in the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program will complete an evidence-based practice project as a requirement for graduation. 

The project is a culmination of the knowledge gained in the DNP courses. The project is an opportunity to demonstrate an analytical approach to programmatic, administrative, policy  or practice issues in a format that supports the synthesis, transfer and utilization of knowledge.  This project will demonstrate identification and resolution of a practice problem through the  scholarship of application or integration, rather than the scholarship of discovery associated with  a PhD program of study (Boyer, 1997).

In other words, a project is broad and holistic.  The experience is designed to put to use the knowledge and skills gained within the doctoral  program in a specific practice area of the student’s choice. The project is chosen to make a  contribution -- in the work place, the community or in the academic arena. As such, project experiences are characterized by intensive interactions between and among faculty, students, and  the community in which the project is enacted.

A project is not intended to test new models, develop new theory, or test hypotheses.  Depending upon the student’s area of emphasis or interest, the project might include the  evaluation of a program or intervention, an analysis of a health care policy, an in-depth case  study, a gap analysis, a comprehensive systematic review for determination of best practice, or  the development of a strategic plan for the delivery of healthcare.

A Guide to Human Subjects’ Protection in Research

Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey, is legally and ethically bound to protect the rights and welfare of humans participating in research conducted by its faculty, staff and students. Federal regulation, state law, University policy and professional standards of the investigator’s academic discipline demand compliant, ethical and responsible conduct of social, behavioral and biomedical research involving human subjects.

The IRB offer this Handbook to help students meet their regulatory and ethical responsibilities when conducting research involving human subjects. The IRB Office answer a number of questions students new to research may have about working with an IRB and identify where to find additional resources.

The Office of Research Regulatory Affairs (ORRA) recognizes the value of student participation in the research process. It is a valuable learning experience that helps ensure future social benefit from the efforts of well-trained researchers. All students are encouraged to contact the Office directly if they need help navigating the IRB process. Contact your School’s designated IRB office, A staff person will partner with you to ensure your project proceeds promptly and compliantly.