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Developing critical thinking and sound clinical reasoning through repeated encounters with core presentations.

What are the RWJMS 33?

Essential Texts

The RWJMS 33: Core Presentations

Abdominal Pain, Mass

Harrison's Chapter 15: Abdominal Pain

Harrison's Chapter 50: Abdominal Swelling and Ascites

Lange: Part 3: Abdominal Pain

Acute Confusional State, Disorientation

Harrison's Chapter 27: Confusion and Delirium

Lange: Part 11: Delirium or Dementia

Acute Dizziness, Vertigo, Incoordination and/or Gait Instability      

              Harrison's Chapter 22: Dizziness and Vertigo

             Harrison's Chapter 26: Gait Disorders, Imbalance, and Falls

   Lange: Part 14: Dizziness

Acute Focal Neurological Deficit         

   Harrison's Chapter 24: Nerologic Causes of Weakness and Paralysis

  Harrison's Chapter 25: Numbness, Tingling, and Sensory Loss

  Harrison's Chapter 30: Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Cognitive Disorders

 Breast Pain, Discharge, Mass

American College of Surgeons: Medical Student Core Curriculum: Breast Problems

Johns Hopkins Manual of Gynecology and Obstetrics: Chapter 34: Breast Diseases

Changes of Mood (Anxiety, Depression)

DeGowin's Diagnostic Examination: Chapter 15: Mental Status, Psychiatric, and Social Evaluations

Essentials of Modern Neuroscience: Chapter 39: Mood Disorders

Lange: Chapter 32-10: Depression

Chest Pain

Harrison's Chapter 42: Approach to the Patient with a Heart Murmur

Harrison's Chapter 43: Palpitations

Lange: Part 9: Chest Pain

Chronic Back, Pelvic Pain

Lange: Part 7: Low Back Pain

Chronic Cognitive Impairment

Harrison's Chapter 29: Dementia

Lange: Part 11: Delirium or Dementia

Diarrhea, Constipation, Vomiting

Harrison's Chapter 45: Nausea, Vomiting, and Indigestion

Harrison's Chapter 46: Diarrhea and Constipation

Lange: Part 13: Diarrhea

Difficulty Swallowing/Dysphagia

Harrison's Chapter 44: Dysphagia

Disturbance of the Senses (Vision, Hearing Changes)

Harrison's Chapter 32: Disorders of the Eye

Harrison's Chapter 33: Disorders of Smell and Taste

Harrison's Chapter 34: Disorders of Hearing

Easy Bruising, Bleeding, Anemia

Harrison's Chapter 63: Anemia and Polycythemia

Harrison's Chapter 65: Bleeding and Thrombosis

Harrison's Chapter 66: Enlargement of Lymph Nodes and Spleen

Lange: Part 6: Anemia

Edema, Limb Swelling

Harrison's Chapter 41: Edema

Lange: Part 17: Edema

Fatigue, Diffuse Weakness

Harrison's Chapter 23: Fatigue

Lange: Part 18: Fatigue


Harrison's Chapter 18: Fever

Harrison's Chapter 20: Fever of Unknown Origin

Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics Chapter 201: Fever

Gastrointestinal Bleeding

Harrison's Chapter 48: Gastrointestinal Bleeding

Lange: Chapter 19: GI Bleeding


Harrison's Chapter 16: Headache

Lange Part 20: Headache

Hemodynamic Instability, Hypotension, Shock

Lange: Part 25: Hypotension


Lange: Part 23: Hypertension

Involuntary Movements, Shaking

Harrison's Chapter 436: Tremor, Chorea, and Other Movement Disorders

Harrison's Manual of Medicine: Chapter 56: Tremor and Movement Disorders

The Patient History: Chapter 62: Tremor


Harrison's Chapter 49: Jaundice

Lange: Part 26: Jaundice or Abnormal Liver Enzymes

Lethargy/Unresponsiveness (including Coma)

Harrison's Chapter 21: Syncope

Lange: Part 31: Transient Loss of Consciousness

Menstrual Abnormalities (Dysmenorrhea, Amenorrhea, Vaginal Bleeding and Discharge)

Hacker & Moore's Essentials of Obstetrics & Gynecology: Chapter 26: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Johns Hopkins Manual of Obstetrics and Gynecology: Chapter 31: Abnormal Unterine Bleeding

Hacker & Moore's Essentials of Obstetrics & Gynecology: Chapter 33: Amenorrhea, Oligomenorrhea, and Hyperandrogenic Disorders

Hacker & Moore's Essentials of Obstetrics & Gynecology: Chapter 36: Menstrual Cycle-Influenced Disorders

Musculoskeletal/Joint Pain, Injury

Harrison's Chapter 17: Back and Neck Pain

Lange: Part 27: Joint Pain

Pelvic Pain, Mass

Hacker & Moore's Essentials of Obstetrics & Gynecology: Chapter 21: Pelvic Pain: Acute, Cyclic (Dysmenorrhea), and Chronic

Johns Hopkins Manual of Obstetrics and Gynecology: Chapter 32: Chronic Pelvic Pain

Pregnancy and Related Conditions

Hacker & Moore's Esentials of Obstetrics & Gynecology: Chapter 2: Clinical Approach to the Patient

Rash, Skin/Soft Tissue Lesions

Harrison's Chapter 19: Fever and Rash

Harrison's Chapter 56: Approach to the Patient with a Skin Disorder

Harrison's Chapter 57: Eczema, Psoriasis, Cutaneous Infections, Acne, and Other Common Skin Disorders

Harrison's Chapter 58: Skin Manifestations of Internal Disease

Harrison's Chapter 59: Immunologically Mediated Skin Diseases

Harrison's Chapter 60: Cutaneous Drug Reactions

Lange: Part 29: Rash

Respiratory Symptoms (Cough, Dyspnea)

Harrison's Chapter 38: Cough

Harrison's Chapter 37: Dyspnea

Harrison's Chapter 39: Hemoptysis

Harrison's Chapter 40: Hypoxia and Cyanosis

Harrison's Chapter 35: Upper Respiratory Symptoms, including Earache, Sinus Symptoms, and Sore Throat

Lange: Part 10: Cough and Congestion

Lange: Part 15: Dyspnea

Lange: Part 30: Sore Throat

Substance Use Disorder and Toxin Ingestion

Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Emergency Medicine: Chapter 47: Poisoning

Lange's Behavioral Medicine: Chapter 24: Unhealthy Alcohol & Other Substance Abuse

Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine: Chpater 292: Substance Use Disorders


American College of Surgeons: Medical Student Core Curriculum: Trauma I: ABCs of Trauma

American College of Surgeons: Medical Student Core Curriculum: Trauma II: Diagnosis and Management

Urinary Symptoms (Hematuria, Dysuria, Urinary Frequency)

Harrison's Chapter 51: Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome

Weight Disorders (Weight Loss or Gain, Obesity)

Harrison's Chapter 47: Unintentional Weight Loss