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Inequality in the United States (920:332:01)

Mazelis Spring 2024

Finding Articles

To find articles, you can use the following access points:

  • QuickSearch  (QuickSearch Help): Use one search bar to find journals, articles, books, periodicals, videos, and more. 
  • Indexes and Databases: Search all of the libraries' indexes and databases by title, subject or resource type. Once you choose an index or database, search your topic.
  • Go directly to the suggested databases given to you by your librarian

The library databases contain scholarly peer-reviewed literature along with other types and sources of information. The links below provide additional information on the types of information available.

Popular Literature vs. Scholarly Peer-Reviewed Literature: What's the Difference?

Tutorials and Guides: 

Starting Databases

Additional Databases

Current Events and News

Google Scholar

Not everything on Google Scholar is peer-reviewed. It is not possible to filter only to peer-reviewed, so pay attention to your sources! Google Scholar also does not contain ALL the scholarship, especially the most recent articles that may be available in a library database.

Google Scholar automatically places AND between words:  zombie library  (This will conduct a search for zombie and library)

Exact Phrase Searching: Enter the phrase in quotation marks:  "zombie apolcalypse"

Search related words: ~library (This will conduct a search for library, libraries, librarian)

Search for alternative words: use OR (must be caps), with terms in parentheses: 

Search for alternate terms using OR, with the terms enclosed in parentheses: (zombie OR undead)


1. Link to Bibliography Manager (RefWorks)

2. Library Links- Choose Rutgers in order to see what is available to you via Rutgers subscriptions.