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Critical Approaches to Films from Spain



MLA International Bibliography
1926- . The most comprehensive index to journal articles, books, dissertations, and other materials relating to literature, folkore, and film studies. Indexes more than 4400 journals. Rutgers-restricted Access

Film and Media

Film and Television Literature Index with Full Text
A comprehensive bibliographic database covering all types of writing, including industry papers, news journalism, and scholarly academic journals on topics for film and television. Includes full-text for more than 100 journals and 100 books, including Variety film reviews from 1914 to the present, as well as more than 36,000 images from the MPTV Image Archive. Primary coverage 1990 to the present; selective coverage earlier.  Rutgers-restricted Access
Communication and Mass Media Complete
Full-text coverage of more than 280 titles plus citation coverage for many more. Many major journals searchable back to early 1900s.Rutgers-restricted Access


Historical Abstracts
1955- . The most comprehensive index to world history (excluding that of the U.S. and Canada) from 1450 to the present. Indexes over 2,000 history and history-related journals worldwide, as well as book reviews and dissertations. Rutgers-restricted Access.

Can't Resist the Urge to Google?

Google Scholar
Use the Google search engine to search specifically for scholarly literature including books, peer-reviewed articles, theses, preprints, and technical reports.