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Intimacy and Violence in the Haitian Novel (French 16:420:673)

For the Fall 2021 semester Dr. Shana Jean-Baptiste's graduate seminar class on Caribbean Literature will study novels by Evelyne Trouillot, Fernand Hibbert, Stephen Alexis, Jacques Stephen Alexis, and Marie Vieux.

Useful Databases


This list of databases may be useful to you in researching your topic for this class

QuickSearch (the search box on the main libraries page -- Search for the names of authors or titles of specific works or specific topics; some full text material included

Located on the Database List

Literature Resources

MLA International Bibliography -- Primarily an index of scholarly literary publications, this database also includes citations for book chapters; some full-text material included

Caribbean Literature -- Primarily a primary source collection of individual works but also some secondary sources

Gale Literature Resource Center -- Another literature database, includes information on authors and on specific works; some full-text material included

History and Political Science Resources

Historical Abstracts -- Secondary source materials on history for the world excluding North America (you can use the "choose databases" option to include America: History & Life for journal articles on North America); some full-text material included

Worldwide Political Science Abstracts -- Political science journals, for more accurate results use the advanced search option and search for Haiti as a location; can be search with PAIS International (use the change databases function)

PAIS International -- Public policy, for more accurate results use the advanced search option and search for Haiti as a location; can be searched with Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (use the change databases function)

HathiTrust -- a digital repository containing a broad range of full-text materials

Resources on the Internet -- Primarily French language database on humanities research, some full-text material included

French Studies -- Links to resources collected by librarians in the Association of College and Research Libraries

Digital Library of the Caribbean -- includes a small collection of online newspapers

Center for Research Libraries-- Rutgers is a member of this consortium; CRL's holdings are sometimes online, others can be borrowed for research purposes