Some case studies (not all) are available through Business Source Premier. Type JN "Harvard Business Review" and case study in the search box.
Access to case studies NOT available through Business Source Premier can be done via HBR coursepacks. Harvard Business Publishing has a usage policy that forbids the use of articles published in the Harvard Business Review as required readings in academic and corporate courses unless it is done by creating coursepacks through "Harvard Business Publishing for Educators." Coursepacks can be created for free, but students must pay to access the content, which includes case studies, books, articles, chapters and notes.
Faculty can also set up a free educator account which allows HBSP (Harvard Business School Publishing) case studies and notes to be made available to students at a discount.
Here are two places that offer free, open access case studies:
Also try:
Sage Business (Rutgers-restricted database) includes access to a variety of business resources, including:
In addition, free case studies and analyst insights covering a variety of topics and industries are available from these consulting firms:
Of particular note: