Welcome to the NVivo page! NVivo is a powerful software that supports qualitative and mixed methods research. This page provides information on the installation of NVivo, understanding NVivo editions, the key terms of NVivo, NVivo workshop information, as well as some useful resources for NVivo users.
If you have any specific questions about NVivo, would like to request a specialized NVivo workshop, or need an individual consultation, please reach out to our graduate specialist, Xu Guo, at xg163@scarletmail.rutgers.edu.
NVivo workshops provided by the Rutgers New Brunswick Libraries:
Find a workshop you are interested in and register!
Rutgers has NVivo 14 and 15 available for both Mac and Windows. All faculty, staff, and students can use the program, and you need to log in with your Rutgers NetID. (Please note that Rutgers Libraries offer an educational license for NVivo, which does NOT include features like Collaboration Cloud and transcription services.)
After expiry, you will need to download a new license from the Rutgers Software Portal site. Check back periodically for updated versions of NVivo in the Rutgers Software Portal.
NVivo Tutorials: Explore short, helpful tutorial videos that demonstrate key research tasks using NVivo on both Windows and Mac platforms. https://lumivero.com/resources/support/getting-started-with-nvivo/nvivo-tutorials/?utm_source=chatgpt.co
NVivo Resource Library: Contains articles and discussions that can assist with specific questions or issues. https://lumivero.com/resources/
If you do not have an opportunity to join us for the workshops, you can access recordings of our Graduate Specialist's presentations on NVivo for self-study.
Introduction to Qualitative Methods and NVivo (2025)
Coming soon
Coding and queries in NVivo (2025)
Coming soon
Rutgers - New Brunswick Libraries NVivo Cheat Sheet (2021)