Rutgers University Library Databases
*You may access the database collection of the Rutgers University Libraries when you are in the Robeson Library using your library barcode and PIN.
Art and Art History:
Oxford Art Online Collection of art reference works, including Grove Art Online, The Oxford Companion to Western Art, The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms.
JSTOR Access full text periodicals on the arts and humanities
General databases with art topics:
New York Times Access to popular (non-scholarly) articles including articles on art, art history, and biography.
Camden County College Library Databases
*CCC students may access these databases anywhere using their CCC login. If you haven't yet signed up for a CCC library card, see the box to the left for instructions on obtaining a card to access CCC materials.
Sign up for your CCC library card right now on the web: Complete the online application.
Under the Library of Congress Classification System, the fine arts are classified under the letter N with the following subject headings:
N: General Visual Arts
NA: Architecture
NB: Sculpture
NC: Drawing, Design, Illustration
ND: Painting
NE: Print media
NK: Decorative arts
NX: Arts in general
Photography is classified under TR.
Please note that art books are often oversized, large books are located on the folio shelves along the wall at the southern end of the ground floor of the Robeson Library (section 110 on the map linked below)