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Age of the Black Death: Library Resources

QuickSearch and Other Databases

The RUL website's database list compiles medieval studies databases here.

Use WorldCat to find books in libraries all over the US that you can then request via Interlibrary Loan.

Selected Reference Titles

Encyclopedia of the Black Death.  Joseph P. Byrne, 2012. 

The Complete History of the Black Death.  Ole J. Benedictow, 2021.  2nd ed, 1076 p.

Brill's Medieval Reference Library

Four medieval studies reference books in one place:

  • Encyclopedia of Medieval Pilgrimage (2009)
  • Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle (2010, with 2016 update)
  • Encyclopaedia of Medieval Dress and Textiles of the British Isles c. 450-1450 (2012, with 2016 update)
  • Brill's Encyclopaedia of the Middle Ages (2016)

Handbook of Medieval Studies. Albrecht Classen, ed., 2010

3 volumes, Alex Reference D116.H37 2010 and online

Handbook of Medieval Culture  Albrecht Classen, ed.  2015

3 volumes, v1: ; v2; v3

General Historical Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

New Catholic encyclopedia (New York : Thomson, Gale, 2002-).
Camden Reference BX841.N44 2002 v.1-15, also online

Dictionary of the Middle Ages / Joseph R. Strayer, editor in chief. (New York : Scribner, c1982- ).
Art, Camden, Dana, Carr Reference D114.D5 1982 v1-13

Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages / edited by Andre Vauchez; in conjunction with Barrie Dobson and Michael Lapidge; English translation by Adrian Walford. (Chicago : Fitzroy Dearborn, 2000.)
Alex, Camden Reference D114.E53 2000

Routledge Encyclopedias of the Middle Ages
This series provides concise encyclopedic treatments of specific regions and themes within Medieval Europe.  By theme:

Medieval archaeology : an encyclopedia / Pam J. Crabtree. (New York: Garland Pub., 2001).
Alex, Camden Reference D125.M42 2001 and online

Medieval Jewish civilization : an encyclopedia / Norman Roth. (New York: Routledge, 2002).
Alex, Camden Reference DS124.M386 2002

Medieval science, technology, and medicine : an encyclopedia / editors, Thomas F. Glick, Steven J. Livesey, Faith Wallis.
(New York : Routledge, 2005).
Alex Reference Q124.97.M43 2005 and online

Trade, travel, and exploration in the Middle Ages : an encyclopedia / John Block Friedman et al.
(New York : Garland Pub., 2000)..
Alex Stacks, Camden Reference HF1001.T7 2000

Women and gender in medieval Europe: An encyclopedia / Margaret Schaus, editor.
(New York : Routledge, 2006).
Alex Reference HQ1147.E85W66 2006 and online


Atlas of medieval Europe / edited by David Ditchburn, Simon MacLean and Angus MacKay. 2nd ed.  (London; New York : Routledge, 2007. )
Alex Reference G1791.M2 2007


The New Cambridge medieval history / edited by Rosamond McKitterick. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995-).
Alex Reference, McDonnell D117.N48 1995 v.1-7

Medieval narrative sources : a chronological guide / compiled by János M. Bak with the assistance of Heinz Quirin and Paul Hollingsworth. (New York : Garland Pub., 1987).
Alexander Stacks Z6203.B33 1987


Finding articles


International Medieval Bibliography or IMB. [Rutgers Restricted]
The most comprehensive and international index for medieval studies with records for journals and articles in collected studies from 1967 onward. The Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale is also accessible here.

Index of Medieval Art [Rutgers Restricted]
An iconographic index of Christian themes in early Christian and Medieval art.  Identifies medium, location, style, building or object, sequence, and subject term and links to many images.

Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages & Renaissance. [Rutgers Restricted]
The Iter Bibliography indexes journals published from 1842 onward covering the European Middle Ages and Renaissance, 400-1700, but most indexing begins only in 1996. Overlaps IMB, but includes many encyclopedia and book entries missed by IMB.  The site also includes a scholars' directory, the Iter Italicum finding list of humanist manuscripts, and the Baptisteria Sacra database.