This page recommends a books we have recommended in various groups for individual and group consumption. Under each tab you will find one title with a brief description why to read it, a link to the full text, and a link to find more content of interest, including discussion questions and talking points, the author’s background and other works, and more in related guides created by the Books We Read team.
DISCLAIMER: Although bibliotherapy works well as complementary treatment, please contact your healthcare professional if you are experiencing physical or mental health issues. Rutgers students are advised to reach out to Medical & Counseling Services at Student Health.
Visit our page called Books We Read dedicated to connect readers with the right book at the right time. We believe in the healing power of guided reading, also called bibliotherapy, through reading, discussing, and relating to texts relevant to the reader in a difficult phase of their lives. Although merely “accidental bibliotherapists,” librarians play an integral part in this very private and internal process via recommending books from their collection.