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Rutgers subscribes to various databases that offer movies - for educational or individual use only. The following sources are restricted to Rutgers users. Please log in with your NetID when prompted.
Swank Digital Campus - With over 20,000 titles in its catalog, this is a large collection of Hollywood studio films and independent, international, and documentary titles. Rutgers has leases to many of popular movies in various categories in its browsable platform.
Academic Videos Online: Premium (AVON) is a collection of more than 50,000 videos (ranging from the beginnings of cinema to the current day)
Kanopy has a selection of streaming video titles for educational purposes, including documentaries, independent and foreign films, classics, and feature films.
George Orwell's futuristic, dystopian tale set in a post-atomic war London in which protagonist Winston Smith's job is to re-write history under the watchful gaze of "Big Brother" whose presence inhibits love and individualistic expression.
Stanley Kubrick's classic movie about an imprisoned sadistic gang leader, who participates in a behavior-modification program that works, leaving him helpless against his former victims.
Made in 1942, this movie hasn't lost its magic and has a message in these days, too. Always on the top, the film has a special charm with its ingenious ambiguities, intricate love stories, and moral challenges. Casablanca is a must for every generation.
Dracula's Shadow: The Real Story of the Romanian Revolution
A documentary on the 1989 Romanian Revolution, this one-hour film is a great example of 'living in a historical moment" - and looking back to it. How many of us realize these rare moments in our own lives?
Supersize Me
A documentary about the fast food industry on a social experiment attempting to survive on food from McDonald's for a month, of interest not only to nutrition or food science students, but anyone with food anxiety.