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Housing and Development Resources

At Rutgers

Center for Urban Policy Research
Rutgers University research center focusing on issues relating to housing, land use, urban poverty,community change, economic development and forecasting, and environmental policy. Site includes the summaries of the quarterly New Jersey economic forecasts from the Rutgers Economic Advisory Service (R/ECON)

Think Tanks & Policy Institutes

Think Tanks & Policy Institutes
Links arranged by perceived political leanings: Right; Libertarian; Conservative; Non-Partisan; Liberal; and Left.

Associations & Institutes

American Planning Association / American Institute of Certified Planners
The professional organization (APA) representing some 40,000 practicing planners, officials, and citizens involved with urban and rural planning issues; and the planning certification agency (AICPA).
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
"The American Enterprise Institute is a community of scholars and supporters committed to expanding liberty, increasing individual opportunity and strengthening free enterprise." Regularly reports on housing finance issues.
Cato Institute
"The Cato Institute is a public policy research organization — a think tank — dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peace."
Fannie Mae
A private company operating under a congressional charter, Fannie Mae is the largest issuer and guarantor of mortgage-backed securities (MBS) in the U.S.
Manhattan Institute for Policy Research
National Coalition for the Homeless
Fact sheets, legislative alerts, research reports. "Online Library" of citations with abstracts.
National Housing Institute/Shelterforce
"Shelterforce is a social justice media organization covering the policy and practice of community development, affordable housing, and neighborhood organizing. "
National Housing Law Project
A national housing law and advocacy center, the NHLP's primary areas of emphasis are public policy advocacy, litigation assistance, training, and research.
The Urban Institute
A non-profit non-partisan research institute focusing on issues relating to American cities and urban populations.

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