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History of U.S.-Muslim Relations

Religion Database

ATLA Religion Database
1949- . Index to 650 journals representing all the major religious faiths, as well as some 14,000 multi-authored works, relating to Biblical studies, world religions, Church history and religious perspectives on social issues. Rutgers-restricted Access

The Islamic World: Some Resources

Islam, the Modern World, and the West: Contemporary Topics
Essays and links from Alan Godlas, University of Georgia.
The Encyclopaedia of Islam
New edition. Leiden, Brill, 1960-2001. 11 volumes.
Articles on all aspects of the Islamic world; the standard reference work for Islamic Studies. Rutgers-restricted Access
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World
New York, Oxford University Press, 1995. 4 volumes
Over 750 signed essays, most with annotated bibliographies, on the beliefs, institutions, politics, and culture in Muslim societies in the 19th and 20th centuries. Available?
Conversion of Islamic and Christian Dates

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